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The Principles Upon Which Greenfield Fresh Was Founded

Since our company was founded in 2002, the core concept behind Greenfield Fresh has been a fairly simple one – to provide our customers with accurate and timely information about market prices and current availabilities that's tailored to their specific produce needs. This goal is attained through a network of reliable growers and shippers who believe in high quality product and provide consistent supply at a fair market price.

At Greenfield Fresh, we also firmly believe in the importance of "follow through." What does this mean to you, the customer? It means that Greenfield Fresh will not just take the order and pass it along to someone else, but will complete the order, from the fields and packing houses, onto the trucks, and to your dock. We will make ourselves available to answer any questions that may arise, and we strive to keep our customers informed of any changes in orders to eliminate unnecessary problems. We like to refer to this as "personal service," which is the foundation of Greenfield Fresh. We believe in its added value, and so will you.

© 2013 Greenfield Fresh, all rights reserved.   |   Greenfield Fresh   |   2910 Camino Diablo, Suite 100   |  Walnut Creek, CA 94597   |   (925) 746-7520